Where is
St Edmundsbury?

Who was St Edmund
King and Martyr?
Local History in West Suffolk

The St Edmundsbury Chronicle
Introduction to this Chronicle:- origins, dating, acknowledgements
Man up to the Bronze Age 7mBP to 700BC
The Iron Age and the Roman Empire 700BC to 410AD
The Early and Middle Anglo - Saxons 410 to 865 AD
Viking Invasions to the Norman Conquest 865 to 1066
From the Normans to Magna Carta 1066 to 1216
The Middle Ages to Monastic Dissolution 1216 to 1539
Dissolution to Civil War and Restoration 1539 to 1699
The 18th Century and Napoleonic Wars 1700 to 1812
The 19th Century after the Napoleonic Wars 1813 to 1899
The Early Twentieth Century and its wars 1900 to 1945
The Late Twentieth Century 1946 to 2000
The Third Millenium - the story from 2001
Close up on Haverhill year by year
The Anglo-Saxons at West Stow and beyond (15 topics)
St Edmundsbury and the Domesday Book (8 sections)
The Abbey of St Edmund, abbey gardens, other monastic and religious topics (16 topics and 9 plans)
St Edmundsbury and the Magna Carta (9 topics)
The River Lark and its Navigation (12 topics)
The History of Fornham Park (1 topic)
The History of Hardwick Estate and Heath (5 sections)
Trade & Industry - watermills, clocks, guns, art, photography, baskets, gas, electric, Bobys, Denny's, malt, bricks (26 sections)
Military matters and American allies (4 sections)
Municipal topics:- Mayors, Freemen, Abbey Gdns, market, MPs, PMs and monarchs (11 topics)
Exhibits and Evidence
Exploring the development of early Bury St Edmunds (Includes the Antrobus Ph.D thesis) (15 items)
Local museums, museum collections and exhibits (15 topics)
Writs, Charters and Wills of benefit to St Edmundsbury (23 items)
Local Maps and Plans (81 maps)
Local Coins, Tokens and Banknotes (14 topics)
Local wall plaques and associated buildings (5 sections)
Reports, Official Openings, Guides, leaflets and other picture stories and sequences, inc WWI (38 topics)
Places to visit with historical connections (6 topics)
Do it yourself mapping
Guide to DIY historical mapping using QGIS (19 sections)

Shortcuts to major new sections

Abbey lands 1066 to 1086

Local Brickworks

The Abbey 1000 celebrations

Hardwick Heath History

Dissent, Church & Chapel

Malting & Maltsters

Rose Mead, Bury Artist

Sybil Andrews Artist

Walton Burrell Photographer

St Edmundsbury Chronicle has been in development since 1997.
Certain pages of it were included in the St Edmundsbury Borough Council website from that time that were aimed at promoting tourism.
From 2003 to 2012 it was published in full, but not updated, as a specific part of the St Edmundsbury Borough Council website.
Updated versions during that period were issued privately on CD-Roms.
This stand alone and constantly updated website was originally launched on 11th December, 2012.

This latest release is dated 10th July, 2024. View the list of New Updates and Amendments here